It looks like we really can fight City Hall. Dave Gauny of
Smart Growth SCV pulled off a feat nothing short of miraculous.
He was able to get the City of Santa Clarita to extend the deadline for the comment period for G&L Realty's EIR
review process. With a carefully targeted email announcing his press
release, along with a letter from the Silverstein Law Firm objecting to the
G&L Realty/May Draft EIR public comment process, he was able to command a large audience in front of City Hall.
According to Gauny, the EIR was never properly published. The city has 'graciously' offered to provide
those seeking to review these documents with CD-ROM's, but has done little to accomodate those who don't
have access to or knowledge of how to work with a computer. The EIR documents can be found on
city's web site.
Gauny goes on to describe how the city attempted to cut short the required 45 day
EIR review process by closing the comment period three days early. You can see videos of Dave Gauny's
press release his
answering questions and his
handing out copies of the letter Silverstein Law Firm.
Among those present to show their support were State Assembly Candidate Carole Lutness who is campaigning for the 38th Assembly District. If she wins she will most assurely bring about a number of much needed reforms. She briefly discusses her positions while talking to the press. You can see videos of her interviews dealing with campaign finance reform and how G&L Realty has corrupted local government. Dave Gauny also included his own video parody of how Laurie Ender's campaign was helped by G&L. To summarize this event, The Signal published a front-page story. There were also articles published by KHTS, the Daily News and the West Ranch Beacon covering what happened. Dave Gauny also sent out another letter thanking his supporters for their efforts. Below are all the videos I took at the event: |
Dave Gauny Discusses Need for EIR Extensions |
Dave Gauny hands out copies of Letter Regarding EIR | |
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Dave Gauny answers questions |
Carole Lutness Discusses her platform | |
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Carole Lutness Discusses her platform |
Event summary and videos compiled courtesy of Mighty Thunder Web Design & Marketing