Over the course of her career, she lost more than $200,000 in
salary, and even more in pension and Social Security benefits and
the Supreme Court decision left others in her situation with no
On January 29, 2009, President Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter
Fair Pay Restoration Act restoring the rights of employees who have
been the victims of pay discrimination. Lilly is continuing to speak
out to remind us that equal pay for equal work is a continuing
struggle in the workplace.
$10 suggested contribution, which includes continental
To reserve your seat go to http://www.actblue.com/page/dpsfvledbetter
2. On Wednesday, October 14 7pm
at the Valencia Hill Club House, 4060 Oak
Vale Drive
Valencia, California
91355 (right off Tournament) SCOPE and Community
Healthcare Advocates SCV present a Special Guest Speaker from the American Lung
- Does your child or
favorite senior citizen have asthma?
- Is your commute
- Are you getting
enough exercise?
Santa Clarita has some
of the worst air quality in the nation. We live in an area
designated as a non-attainment zone for ozone and particulate matter
(tiny particles of dust that can lodge in the lungs). Both these
pollutants can cause breathing problems and lung disease. They are
especially harmful to children.
Can changes in the decisions
made at City Hall help? The American Lung Association says “Yes!”
Energy efficiency and new land use patterns can make a huge
difference in our air quality and reduce greenhouse gases,
As part of the Lung Association’s mission to prevent
lung disease, this statewide organization has developed a “Healthy
Land Use Campaign”. The goal of this campaign is to empower local
residents to work with City Hall for cleaner air.
So please
join us to hear a representative of the American Lung Association
speak on the link between our health and local land use decisions.
Find out how you can help our community on its way to cleaner air
and slow global warming at the same time.
3. The Minority Outreach Symposium will be held on
Saturday, 10/17 2-5pm at Cal State Northridge. Always a great
event. ( Leave to get back here for GOTV by 4!)
4. DN38 Meeting - October 28 COCO’s
Restaurant 10841 Sepulveda, Mission Hills Phone:
818-365-3309 6:30 pm Dinner/ 7pm Meeting
Awards: November 22, Sunday Rosemary Jenkins is our
Truman honoree.
Hope to
see you this weekend.