Come walk with us!
Democratic Neighbors of the 38th AD
--“the feet of the Democratic Party in the 38th AD..."
25439 Via Macarena, Valencia , CA 91355
Greetings DN38ers
We're gearing up for our June 8 Primary GOTV efforts
and hope you will help us. At our last meeting we
· Decided to do a generic GOTV effort to Dems/DtSs but with a
special emphasis on getting Prop 15 passed (see below for all the activities
you can be engaged in to help get this all important Prop passed.)
· We decided to contribute $250 to the Prop 15 campaign and $200 to
Diana Shaw's 38th AD race.
· We want to urge City Council to combine the SCV elections with the
State Primary to save money.
· We are expecting to get our walk/phone lists this week so we can
begin our GOTV efforts. Please let me know asap which streets you will
walk.(again - see below). And come to the Prop 15 Phone Banking parties this Saturday
and on 5/29 at our house (see below)
· We will be doing Voter Registration this coming Saturday, May15,
from 10am-2pm at the Sylmar Park (
Sylmar Recreation Center 13109 Borden Avenue Sylmar, CA 91342. Phone: (818) 367-5656 .) Steve Brooks, Kristin Ingram-Worthman and Dorri Raskin
are heading this up. We need one more persons for the 10-12 shift and 2
more for the 12-2pm shift. Please let me know asap if you can do it.
· Our next DN38 meeting will be on Wednesday, May 26,
6:30dinner 7pm meeting at URBANE CAFE off the Old Road (exit
Lyons Ave, turn RIGHT. RIGHT on The Old Road. The restaurent
is almost at the top of the hill.
Take a RIGHT into the shopping center. Turn LEFT and then a quick RIGHT
around the Starbucks/Subway strip)
I know what an effort it is to be part
of a "permanent GOTV organization" to forward our Democratic
candidates and work for the passage of good propositions. For nearly 5
years we have walked/phoned in EVERY election - local, state and
national. I know that sometimes we get weary but I also know that our
efforts have made a difference. We are so close to 'turning the 38th
Blue' but we need you with us to march on. Please do what you can -
walk/phone/VR. For what it is worth, DN38 is regarded by Dems around the
state as one of the best GOTV organizations. For that you should be
proud. As always, my deep gratitude to all of you.
Greetings SCV Fair Elections Prop 15 Supporters
We are
doing really well in our efforts to inform/educate and encourage voters to
cast their ballot for Prop 15 in the June 8 election. We're coming down
to the wire and we need everyone's help to bring our campaign
home. Many thanks to all of the volunteers who have tabled at the
Mall, arranged for speakers to come to their meetings and done everything else
so far. Here is what our plans are for the rest of the month and I hope
you will commit to do at least one
thing to help us.
1. We are
having a BYOCP
(Bring Your Own Cell Phone) phone
banking this Saturday, 5/15
and again on 5/29 from 6-9pm.
We will be calling high propensity Democrats and Decline to States urging them
to vote for Prop 15 on June 8.
We can order pizza or anything the group would like and have a jolly time
together. Our address is 25439 Via Macarena, Valencia, (off Wiley Cyn
Road, the first RIGHT after you turn off Orchard Village Road. Fourth house on
the LEFT from the cul-de-sac - look for the bumper stickers on our car!)
(CAVEAT - only people who promise NOT to turn me into the 'Good Housekeeping Police' will be
admitted! I can be an activist or a housekeeper but not both!)
2. We will
be getting our walk/phone lists of high propensity Democrats and Decline
to States very soon and I hope you commit to walk your neighborhood
knocking and dropping. These voters are very receptive, nice
people. They really want the information. Studies have shown that
the best way to influence voters is face-to-face converstations with
them. We will give you the walk/phone lists and your materials.
Please let me know right way the streets you want to walk so that my dear hubby
can prepare the lists for you. You can then come over to pick your
lists/material at our house. If you have never walked before, let me
know. We'll get an experienced walker to go with you to show you the
ropes. (Experienced walkers, let me know if you can help out.)
3. Our last
weekend tabling at
the MALL will also be on 5/29. Carol Winkler & Kirby
Peterson will be taking the 1st shift (11-1pm) with me and Frank Smathers
and Roselva Ungar will be on the 2nd shift(1-3pm). Thanks to all of them.
4. We
will be going to the Senior
Center this month. Still waiting for confirmation of the
5. I
will be on KHTS AM1220 on Tuesday, 5/18
on the Carol Rock Show
around 10am
Trent Lange, Chair of the CAFair Elections Campaign will
be on Ch 20
with Leon Wardon (not sure of the date yet)
7. Barbara
Cogswell has written a great op/ed
for the Signal. I'm still working on getting it
published. Thank you Barbara.
8. We
need you to write LTRs
(Letters to the Editor) to the Signal "" <>; RIGHT AWAY supporting
Prop 15.
9. If
you want to have fun, the CA Fair Elections Campaign is having a Fund-raiser benefit
(below) this Thursday evening,
a screening of Casino
Jack, the story of Jack
Abramoff. Let us hope that when Prop 15 is passed we
will see the beginning of the end of such outragious corruption.
10. Send a donation to
the CA Fair Elections Campaign. We are getting another box of the flyers
for us to use to walk our neighborhoods. It costs $500 to get 10,000
flyers printed up. They are also printing up more yard/window signs,
etc. This is a GRASSROOTS campaign. Every $5 donation (or more)
helps to get more material printed. We have no deep pocket
supporters. Send your donation to Californians for Fair Elections, 3916 S. Sepulveda Blvd # 109, Culver
City, CA 90230 or go on-line and make a donation
thank you for all you are doing. Please PLEDGE to help us bring this campaign
home victoriously by doing at least one thing. We can't win without you