Top State-Wide Candidates
Gather to Make Their
Major Valley-Wide Community Event
DATE / TIME: March 14, 2010 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
– Speakers and Q&A
PLACE: Grand Salon at California State University, Northridge
(Nordhoff Street at Zelzah Ave.)
available for $5 in lot G4 on Zelzah, north of Prairie
The public is invited to see and hear many of the state-wide Democratic
candidates who will be fighting to earn Democrats’ votes, in contested
races, on the June 8, 2010 Primary Election.
Most of the following have confirmed (Jerry Brown has yet to confirm).
Invited Candidates
Lt. Governor
Attorney General
- Rockard J. "Rocky" Delgadillo
- Kamala D. Harris
- Chris Kelly
- Ted Lieu
- Pedro I. Nava
- Alberto Torrico
Insurance Commissioner
- Hector De La Torre
- Dave Jones
Superintendent of Public Instruction
- Tom Torlakson
- Gloria Romero
Democratic candidates throughout California seek DPSFV’s endorsement and
support because of DPSFV’s well-documented ability to raise funds, improve
candidate awareness, and get out the vote on Election Day.
The Democratic Party of the San Fernando Valley (DPSFV) is an umbrella
organization representing 27 Democratic clubs in and around the San
Fernando Valley. It is the largest such independent Democratic Organization
in California and the United States.
To follow as determined