The next Canyon Country Advisory Committee meeting will be held on WEDNESDAY, February 18, 2009, from 7PM to 9PM, in the George A. Caravalho Activity Center Banquet Room, 20880 Centre Pointe Parkway, Santa Clarita. This will be a meeting you should not miss. Santa Clarita's Mayor "Dude" Frank Ferry will be our first guest. Do you have a concern that you want to speak to Mayor Ferry about? After a short introduction, questions will be taken from the floor. Parks and Recreation Director Mr. Rick Gould will be providing information about the proposed Canyon Country Community Center. Spece Leafdale will be providing a very interesting presentation on "How to Read Graffitti". I have seen a preview of this presentation. It is very enlightening. Are you having a problem with gang activity in your neighborhood? Particularly, do you live on Wellhaven, Nearbrook, Walnut Springs, Crossglade or Stillmore? No matter where you live in Santa Clarita if you are observing gang activity in your neighborhood we want to know. Information will be shared with Anti-Gang Task Force representatives later this month. Action to resolve your issues will be requested and reported at the March CCAC meeting. Next, we will review what is happening on the Extreme Neighborhood Makeover in Canyon Country. Last minute nominations for 2009 CCAC officers will be accepted. Elections will be held immediately after Plus MUCH MUCH MORE. Let's continue to work to make our community a better place to live. Together we CAN make a difference. Alan J. Ferdman Chair, Canyon Country Advisory Committee (661) 713-9344 |