VOTER REGISTRATION UPDATE We went to Summerhill Villas Assisted Living, SCV Senior Center, Greenbrier Estates Mobile Home Park and Ralph's market in Castaic this week. Thank you to these volunteers who helped: Kathi Lyden, Nancy Throup and Teresa Tompkins. Thank you to Roland Anderson for arranging the visit to Greenbrier, thank you to Carole Lutness for registering a voter while out precinct walking, thanks to Shirley Thompson who registered her two granddaughters and arranged for a VR session at the new Fountainglen Senior Apartments in Stevenson Ranch and thanks to Flora Gordon who arranged a day for VR at Belcaro. Total Dems registered since 5/08: 215 VOTER REGISTRATION VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Anybody can do this, training is provided and you do not sit alone, ever! Having the local Democrats see us is priceless! Call me with questions. Sign-up by replying in an e-mail or call 254-4220.
IF YOU HAVE ANYONE WHO NEEDS TO REGISTER, WE WILL BE AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES NEXT WEEKEND: Sat. 8/16 WAL-MART at Copperhill and Newhall Ranch Road, Valencia 9:00-1:00 Sun. 8/17 RALPHS in Granary Square, Valencia, 25930 McBean Parkway 9:00-1:00 DEMOCRATIC HEADQUARTERS UPDATE VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION MON. 8/11 7:00 PM This for those who are thinking about being volunteers at the headquarters now, or maybe a little later when the campaign heats up. Come and see the headquarters and meet the people who have been working so hard to get it up and running. Find out what things there are that you can do to help out. HEADQUARTERS SUMMER HOURS: Open M, W, F from 11:00-1:00 and SAT. 11-3:00 pick up buttons and bumper stickers here! ADDRESS: 23119 LYONS AVE. NEWHALL (In the brown western building, near Wayman) Parking available in back Phone # (661) 877-2775 ITEMS STILL NEEDED: Copy paper, bottled water (for the volunteers), lap-top computers (if you have one, I will send specifications) UPCOMING EVENTS Wednesday August 20 7 Pm Obama Get Together Vincenzo's Pizza 24504 Lyons Ave. Newhall Come and visit with other Obama Supporters Thursday August 28th WATCH PARTY / DAA meeting 5:30 PM Vincenzo's Pizza 24504 Lyons Ave. Newhall Come and watch Obama accept the nomination on a big screen TV. PLEASE PLAN TO ORDER FOOD OR DRINKS. Mention the Democrats when you order, and Vincenzo's will donate part of the proceeds to the Democratic Headquarters. Joyce Evans Voter registration Chair-Democratic Alliance for Action (DAA) (661) 254-4220 |