2019 Democratic Convention Business & Professional Caucus
Pictures Taken by Todd & Minerva
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Ray Bishop hosts the Business & Professional Caucus
People settle in as meeting starts
People settle in as meeting starts
People settle in as meeting starts
People settle in as meeting starts
People settle in as meeting starts
People settle in as meeting starts
People settle in as meeting starts
People settle in as meeting starts
People settle in as meeting starts
People settle in as meeting starts
Panel Prepares to present
Panel Prepares to present
Panel Prepares to present
Panel Prepares to present
Panel Prepares to present
Panel Prepares to present
Member wishes to address caucus
Member wishes to address caucus
Member wishes to address caucus
Member wishes to address caucus
Preparing to start the meeting
Preparing to start the meeting
Caucus Chair Ray Bishop
Caucus Chair Ray Bishop
Caucus Chair Ray Bishop
Caucus Chair Ray Bishop
Caucus Chair Ray Bishop
Caucus Chair Ray Bishop
Caucus Chair Ray Bishop
Caucus Chair Ray Bishop
Caucus Chair Ray Bishop
Caucus Chair Ray Bishop
California Senator Amy Klobuchar
California Senator Amy Klobuchar
Senator Klobuchar addresses the Caucus
Senator Klobuchar addresses the Caucus
Chair Bishop thanks Senator Klobuchar for speaking
Chair Bishop thanks Senator Klobuchar for speaking
Chair Bishop thanks Senator Klobuchar for speaking
Chair Bishop thanks Senator Klobuchar for speaking
Attorney Eric Fastiff speaks on anti trust
Attorney Eric Fastiff speaks on anti trust
Attorney Fastiff speaks on anti trust
Attorney Fastiff speaks on anti trust
Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream
Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream
Mr. Cohen plugs for Bernie Sanders
Mr. Cohen plugs for Bernie Sanders
Mr. Cohen explains the need for public healthcare
Mr. Cohen explains the need for public healthcare
Congressman Jerry McNerney
Congressman Jerry McNerney
Congresman McNerney speaks on the problems with mega mergers
Congresman McNerney speaks on the problems with mega mergers
Chair Bishop introducs Defense Attorney Sumita Dalal
Chair Bishop introducs Defense Attorney Sumita Dalal
Defense Attorney Sumita Dalal speaks on the importance of anti-trust
Defense Attorney Sumita Dalal speaks on the importance of anti-trust
Attorney Dalal emphasizes the importance of fighting large monopolies
Attorney Dalal emphasizes the importance of fighting large monopolies
Attorney Dalal speaks on the problems with Amazon
Attorney Dalal speaks on the problems with Amazon
Dr. Garrett Schneider defines verticle and horizontal integration
Dr. Garrett Schneider defines verticle and horizontal integration
Dr. Schneider discusses the underenforcement of anti-trust laws
Dr. Schneider discusses the underenforcement of anti-trust laws
Dr. Schneider discusses the consolidation of media conglomerates
Dr. Schneider discusses the consolidation of media conglomerates
Jennifer Rindahl of J.L. Rindahl Consulting speaks on excessive corporate power
Jennifer Rindahl of J.L. Rindahl Consulting speaks on excessive corporate power
Trent Lange with the Clean Money campaign
Trent Lange with the Clean Money campaign
Lange mentions the California Disclose Act
Lange mentions the California Disclose Act
Lange advocate getting secret money out of political ads
Lange advocate getting secret money out of political ads
Former Chair Andrew Lachman
Former Chair Andrew Lachman
Lachman accepts nominations for Caucus Secretary
Lachman accepts nominations for Caucus Secretary
Lachman accepts nominations for Secretary
Lachman accepts nominations for Secretary
Minerva Williams introduces herself
Minerva Williams introduces herself
Ms. Williams gives brieif campaign talk
Ms. Williams gives brieif campaign talk
Mateo Maldinado runs for Secretary also
Mateo Maldinado runs for Secretary also
Mr. Maldinado gives brief introduction
Mr. Maldinado gives brief introduction
Edie Arias runs for Secretary
Edie Arias runs for Secretary
Mr. Arias gives brief introduction
Mr. Arias gives brief introduction
Audience member asks about enforcement of anti-trust laws
Audience member asks about enforcement of anti-trust laws
Audience member wants to know if lawyers take these cases on contingency
Audience member wants to know if lawyers take these cases on contingency