More Recent Photos & Videos
Dr. Dylan Roby Discusses Obamacare
Dr Dylan Roby preaches Obamacare to the Reseda Church of God In Christ
The California Voting Rights Act is Discussed
The Dream Act is Discussed
Israeli-Palestinian Peace Discussion
Mark Pash and Maria Guzeit speak before the Democratic Club of the Santa Clarita Valley
ADEM Elections for AD 38
Mark Pash Holds Forum on the state of the Euro
2012 Truman Awards Luncheon
Lee Rogers Wine Tasting Fundraiser
Rock the Vote 2012
Lee Rogers speaks before the Friendly Valley Democratic Group
Lee Rogers vs Buck McKeon Debate
Meet Your Ballot 2012
Edward Headington Fundraiser, State Controller John Chiang
COC Candidate Forum
Senior Center Candidate Forum
“Judge the Judges” Judicial Candidate Forum
Edward Headington Happy Hour
Simi Valley 38th Assembly District Candidate Forum
Fran Pavley Meet & Greet
38th Assembly District Candidate Forum: Morning Breakfast
Sandra Catell speaks about Cemex
38th Assembly District Candidate Forum at Wiley Canyon Elementary
District Attorney Candidate Forum
38th Assembly District Candidate Forum at the American Legion
The Progressive Democrats of Santa Monica Mountains Present the Peace & Justice Award to Cynthia McKinney
Edward Headington, Scott Wilk Debate at COC
Dinner and Dialogue “Peace in Israel and Palestine: The New Foreign Policy for 2012??”
DAA Meeting and Candidate Presentation
Congressional Candidate Dr. Lee Rogers Speaks at SCV Dems Meeting
2011 Truman Awards
Mark Pash and Brad Parker
Don Bustany Speaks on the Middle East
The Doctors Will See You Now
Richard Mathews on Dangers of Nuclear Energy
Ellen Brown Presents 'Web of Debt' at SCV Dems
2011 Democratic Convention
SCV Dems Women's History Month Celebration
DAA 2011 Black History Month Celebration
2011 DP/SFV Biennial
2011 Women's History Month Celebration with Peg Hurley
2010 DAA Holiday Party
2010 Holiday Party at Jonathan Kraut's
Russ Baker speaks on his book 'Family of Secrets'
2010 Truman Awards Luncheon
Fundraiser at the Hodge Estate
Ferial Masry Campaign Kick-Off 2010
DAA Judges Forum
2010 Democratic Convention
Ventura Candidate Forum
SCV Dems Judges Forum
DAA Meeting, Robert Gittelson on Immigration Reform
City Council Candidate Forum 2010
Rally Protesting ‘Proud Racist’ Bob Kellar
Harrison Katz Campaign & Robin Gilbert on Fair Elections
2010 CDP Learn to Win Training
Fair Elections Forum
Death Penalty Forum featuring Gloria Killian
Mark Pash on the Economy
Lilly Ledbetter Tells her Story
Democratic School Board Candidates Present
Buck McKeon Healthcare Forum
Colleen Callahan Speaks about SCV Air Quality
Pedro Nava Meet & Greet
DAA Endorsement Meeting
The Doctors Will See You Now
Forum About Why We Need to End the Death Penalty
Single Payer Healthcare Forum in Van Nuys
Single Payer Healthcare Forum in Venice
DAA Black History Month Celebration
Biennial Election of DPSFV Officers
Obama Victory Celebration Hosted by SCV Dems at El Presidente
Jackie Conaway Fundraiser - Women Running for Office
2008 Christmas at Jonathan's
Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt Democrat of the Year Awards 2008 at the Queen Mary
Obama Nomination Watch Party at Lamp Post Pizza
Ferial Masry Campaign Rally
Dems at the SCV Fourth of July Parade
Sunday of Sundays
2007 Christmas at Jonathan's
2008 City Council Race
Minority Outreach Symposium III
2007 Peace Rally Pictures
2007 Summer Youtube Music Videos
Hot for Hillary
I Got a Crush...On Obama
Obama vs Guiliani Girls